Is Minimalism the Same as Living Sustainably?

For many of us, sustainability was not an influential force on our lifestyles until recently. Unless your parents were extremely Earth-conscious (in which case, props to them!), being young means constantly yearning over something new, whether it be clothes, toys, games—and the door-to-door process of getting it often didn’t cross our minds.
Sustainability and living “green” also became a more popular topic in retail in recent years. For example, we are hearing more often of fabrics that incorporate recycled or upcycled yarns, instead of virgin (aka, new) materials. Although these eco-conscious innovations are long overdue and generally pretty cool, the easiest and cheapest way to live sustainably is the most simple: buy less.
The idea of doing more with less is the key principle to a minimalist lifestyle, but it is also a powerful way to live more sustainably. The easiest way you can influence how companies manage their business practices is through the power of your dollar. The average American throws away 81 pounds of clothing on average a year—think about how much waste that generates! By choosing to purchase only what you need or what you know will bring you joy for years to come, you are doing your part to avoid overconsumption.
Underwear and bras definitely count in the “essentials” bucket, but these categories aren’t immune from the pitfalls of overconsumption. That’s why okko was designed to be your body wear for all activities in your life. You’ll notice that we’re not launching new products every month, and we only offer styles and colors that you actually want to wear. Our bra and undies were designed to work no matter what you’re wearing on top, meaning you can drop the bra you only wear with certain dresses or the underwear you only wear with leggings. Simplifying your top drawer saves you money and time, so you spend more energy on the best parts of your life: people and experiences.
Being mindful with your shopping habits doesn’t just benefit Mother Earth—it benefits you too. Living in a home filled only with your essential items will bring you peace of mind and better productivity, among other gains. So protecting Mother Earth and simplifying your life—it’s a win-win, right?
What are your favorite ways to live more sustainably? Let us know on Instagram!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Haley Kim is a journalist and content creator based in California. Her day job is in the tech industry, but when she's not working you might find her reading a fiction novel, making collages and jewelry, or drinking boba.